Author Lars


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CGA sponsors Canadian Gaming Innovators’ Launchpad

The Canadian Gaming Association (CGA) is sponsoring and administering a competition that is intended to improve the country’s gambling offerings. The Canadian Gaming Innovators’ Launchpad is a competition that will allow online gamblers in Canada to make their ideas known. Your ideas can help stimulate the minds of opinion shapers and policy makers.

Online players all have ideas about how to make a favorite slot machine more interesting or ways to change tournament rules to make competitions more fun. If you’ve ever thought that online bingo could use a twist or had a great idea for a blackjack side bet, this competition is for you.

Canadian gaming media talks about the new generation of players and important people in the industry want to know what they want. In the US, casinos from Atlantic City to Las Vegas are adding skill-based gambling games that mix video gaming with monetary risk and reward. Fantasy sports and eSports are popular here in Canada. Casinos like Spinit and LeoVegas offer live dealer gaming over the internet and players are always looking for the next innovation to make the pastime of gambling more fun and engaging.

Entering the Canadian Gaming Innovators’ Launchpad competition will allow your ideas to be seen by dozens of movers and shakers in the Canadian gaming industry. This is a first for Canada and a way to pitch your business idea to key decision makers with the potential to get capital investments, make your ideas known, and make your case for something you are passionate about.

If your innovation is chosen you will have a lot of help to launch it through in-kind business service donations and straight-out cash. The winner will also become known to others in the Canadian gaming industry, which could launch a lucrative career.

The competition will be held in two rounds. First, innovators will exhibit their ideas in written summary form. Finalists will be chosen to proceed to the Final Round in Fall 2017 in Vancouver, British Columbia, which will include another exhibit and the chance for participants to pitch their ideas from the main stage at the Summit’s exhibition hall.

Judges will want to know what your innovation is, how it will improve gaming in Canada, why it is exciting and compelling, who your target customers are, how long it will take to get to market, what sort of tech is involved, whether you own the patent, and if you are looking for funding to launch your innovation.

More information, as well as links to the entry form and rules, can be found on the CGA website.

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Author Lars

Féru de machines à sous et joueur en ligne passionné, Lars a pour ambition de dissiper les mythes sur le jeu et de fournir une vision non biaisée de l’industrie. Il est rédacteur en chef de et en est membre depuis sa création.

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