Actualités des casinos

Author Tom Wilson


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What Are the Odds of Casino Venue Operation at Ontario Place?

Ontario Place is a project that could transform the area, striving to modernize it and make the already popular location even more attractive. The topic of casino venue located in such a hotspot for the community and people of all ages is still controversial to many. Mayor John Tory stated that he remains opposed to gambling activity...

Could Long-Tailed Macaque Monkeys Be Better Gamblers Than We Are?

Attraction to gambling and the thrill people get from experiencing a new slot machine game or the spin of roulette is the thing that keeps gaming enthusiasts hooked on casino action. There could be a deeply rooted reason for that which is observed in Bali long-tailed macaque monkeys that can barter and even find it an enjoyable activity. Now Jea ...

Quebec Experts Warn of Hidden Gambling Addiction Threat in Video Games

The addictive nature of gaming and the various mechanics it uses to keep all eyes glued to the screen attract the attention of researchers and experts around the globe. This Saturday saw Quebec’s Musée de la Civilization spark the conversation during the Semaine numériQC and highlight gambling features kids are exposed to wh ...

Clifford Wuttunee School Bags CA$22,000 a Week Thanks to Chase the Ace

Lottery games have the potential to help a given community and the players living in it in many ways and fundraising is among the most beneficial ones. The students of Clifford Wuttunee School marked one year since it started raising money for playground renovation via Chase the Ace ticket sales. The cause has already amassed some CA$180 ...

Lucky CA$1M Lottery Ticket Hidden in a Book Changed Quebec Couple’s Life

Sometimes Lady Luck might be throwing smiles in our direction but the everyday life gets in the way and we fail to recognize the signs. A similar thing happened to a Quebec couple that managed to cash their CA$1-million lottery ticket just in time before it was set to expire. The year-long delay occurred because the ticket was forgotten ...