Lottery gaming has once again changed the life of one fortunate player with the help of the hefty jackpots it brings to the table. An individual hailing from Ontario is now eligible for a cash payout of CA$14.2 million, thanks to the Lotto 6/49 Main prize coming with the latest draw that took place on October 24.

Lottery enthusiasts across the country purchase their lottery tickets with the idea that one day the stars will align and they will get the chance to bag a substantial jackpot. It is usually an addition to the regular grocery shopping, enhancing one’s trip to the supermarket or the small shop. For some of them, the stars align and special things get to happen.
Lotto 6/49
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation recently revealed that a single ticket sold in the province is now eligible for the Main prize coming with the latest Lotto 6/49 draw. Last Saturday will forever remain one of the very special days for the province, as well as for one individual hailing from it, as the jackpot landed there.
This latest lottery draw came with a Main prize amounting to CA$14,250,815.80 and all eyes were set on it, as many players wanted to lay their hands on the cash pile. Many individuals had purchased tickets for this latest draw, but only one ticket managed to match all six of the numbers needed for the prize bagging. Those were 04, 09, 17, 20, 26, and 31. There was also the bonus number 34 also part of this draw.
Many individuals use special numbers for their lottery ticket purchases, hoping that they will bring them good luck. The Crown corporation overseeing the gaming field of Ontario also pointed out that the ticket was sold in the Aldergrove region ahead of the October 24 draw, but for the time being, more information would not be revealed.
Lotto MAX
October 28 is expected to bring the next Lotto 6/49 weekly draw and it is expected to feature a Main prize of nearly CA$5 should be pointed out that the CA$1,000,000 guaranteed prize coming with last week’s draw was also bagged by a ticket sold in Ontario. In the meantime, Lotto MAX still plays hard to get. Friday saw its latest regular draw without a winner.
It brought a Main prize amounting to some CA$42 million but there was not a single ticket eligible for the windfall that could positively change someone’s life for good. The latest draw witnessed the numbers 02, 08, 20, 21, 29, 34, and 37 being drawn, but there was not a single ticket matching each and every one of those and becoming eligible for the cash prize. The Encore draw was also unable to bestow someone with the CA$1-million prize.
October 27 is expected to bring the next Lotto MAX regular draw coming with an even larger jackpot due to the increased interest in the game. The Main prize will reach CA$50 million this Tuesday, possibly changing someone’s life. There will also be two CA$1-million Maxmillions coming their way.