Problem gambling is a concerning trend around the globe, as many individuals fail to recognize the very symptoms of the addiction. Online gambling is one of the convenient gambling offerings making it possible for players to play from the comfort of their home. Anne Elizabeth Lapointe, Executive Director of Maison Jean Lapointe, expressed concerns regarding a surge of gambling addiction reports.

Times have changed rapidly and the gambling industry strives to remain as flexible as possible. Online gaming is growing increasingly more popular with the larger number of players resorting to it. It is a convenient entertainment possibility that allows the players to practice social distancing while also exploring the online gaming offerings up for grabs. This situation could end up impacting people experiencing problem gambling.
Gambling Addiction Concerns
The General Director of Maison Jean Lapointe had an opinion to share on the subject. She pointed out that the increased time spent indoors and with access to online gambling platforms of various kinds could have a devastating impact on some individuals. The organization she leads is specialized in the various addictions people could experience in their life. This includes drug addiction, gambling, as well as alcohol.
She drew the attention to compulsive gambling tendencies that could be enhanced by the increased spare time an individual has. People have the time for gambling, as well as the isolation needed for this activity to become even more entertaining than it already is programmed to be. Saved money they have is also an added bonus to the situation that could see things spiral out of control.
Gambling is one of the activities that could easily get out of hand. Players rarely realize they have an unhealthy relationship with it and are convinced they could quit it at any given time. The illusion of control is what tricks them into gambling more as time goes by and eventually spending more than they had initially planned to.
Online Gambling Available
The month of March has not witnessed an increased number of individuals making their way to the online gambling platform in the province of Quebec. Local players have not spent more time there when compared to the previous month when they had the chance to gamble at brick-and-mortar venues across the province. It could be recalled that mid-March, Loto-Québec announced the closing of its four casino venues and two gambling halls.
Players were advised to practice social distancing and gamble online at the enhanced gaming platform. Lottery purchase online has increased slightly, as retail locations across the province have also closed for business. Patrice Lavoie, spokesperson for the Crown corporation, pointed out that the online platform has to implement a time limit for the players, as a way to promote healthy gambling habits down the road.
Self-exclusion is also a possibility that has been utilized by some players. While the measures are in place, Ms. Lapointe also added that there is still a risk of gambling addiction development. The greater the variety of online gaming there is, the bigger the chance of developing an unhealthy relationship with gambling. Maison Jean Lapointe would team up with the Canadian Center for the Use of Substances and Addictions for a survey looking into the subject of problem gambling.