Casino de Montreal is constantly seeking ways in which it could enrich the player experience and bring entertainment possibilities for everyone to enjoy. Loto-Quebec wants to step up its game and introduce the special pride-themed series of events onsite of the casino venue that would bring diversity and fun times for all. July 20 is about to bring the official start of the celebrations of Montreal Pride Fest.

Celebrating diversity and letting everyone shine bright with their own light is essential for the entertainment industry. Loto-Quebec is ready to celebrate pride and introduce two nights filled with joy, vibrant colors, and personalities that are even more vibrant. Casino de Montreal is has dedicated this year to many celebrations, as it marks its 25th year of operation. The series of celebrations started in the fall of 2018, but their influence could be felt this year too.
Montreal Pride Fest Praised
July and August are about to be transformed by the special events highlighting the diversity and everything pride represents to the people of Montreal and Quebec as a whole. The Futuristik festival has been in progress ever since July 11 and over the past several evenings, Montreal residents have enjoyed various futuristic and sci-fi themed events on site of the casino venue.
This includes parties with live DJs, speed-dating events organized by professionals with years of experience, special lightsabers games every Thursday to Saturday and more. The evenings just became more exciting and there appears to be something for everyone willing to try something new. Loto-Quebec wants to push people out of their comfort zone, which is why it has brought a wide array of events.
Some of those are the two pride events integrated well into the rich schedule of the Futuristik festival. The first one would take place this Saturday, July 20 and it is going to be the special Pre-Montreal Pride Night. At 10 p.m. the Valet de carreau bar would welcome all individuals excited to warm up for the official Montreal Pride Festival.
Two Live Events Attract Diverse Crowd
The drag world is a vast universe filled with big names to the likes of Marla Deer and Gisele Lullaby. These drag queens are going to make Casino de Montreal’s audience part of an exciting live show fitting well within the sci-fi theme. The show is about to utilize the topic to the best of its abilities and introduce a fusion between futuristic and drag.
The image of Diva Plavalaguna has inspired this live tribute to the Fifth Element. In order to make the live performance even better, DJ KEV and DJ TIZI are going to perform back-to-back all night long. The second special event is about to take place on August 8 and mark the official Montreal Pride opening party.
At the very same location, once again kicking things off at 10 p.m. Montreal’s vibrant pride festival crowd will have a hotpot to meet. DJ Barbada, Michel Dorion, DJ Sandy Duperval, Michelle Treacy, and the Montreal Waackers and Voguers would guarantee a great time for all.