Paul King Jin’s name has once again resurfaced in British Columbia and it is related to money laundering allegations. A CA$25,000 bank draft located in his personal car was linked to Great Canadian Casinos. The British Columbia government filed a lawsuit against him, claiming that the said amount of Canadian dollars should be seized, as it might be crime proceed.

British Columbia has been linked to money laundering in the past, especially when it comes to the local gambling scene and the opportunities for dirty cash laundering it provides. The lax regulations existent in the past have allowed this practice to go on for years without interruption, as several reports have revealed. Paul King Jin’s name has been mentioned in the past in relation to money laundering allegations.
Casino Money Laundering Proceeds
One of the latest lawsuits against the individual points towards a bank draft reaching CA$25,000. The draft has been previously located in a Mercedes vehicle associated with Mr. Jin. The amount in question was made out to Great Canadian Casinos back in the spring of 2017. The new lawsuit claims that the CA$25,000 might be linked to money laundering activities taking place facilitated by gambling operation.
The provincial government wants to see action on the subject and the forfeiture of the aforementioned bank draft. It could be recalled that back in May 2017, the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit captured the Mercedes and following the obtainment of a search warrant, it located the bank draft inside of the vehicle. Mr. Jin is known for operating as a loan shark across the Lower Mainland.
Casino locations such as River Rock Casino in Richmond, overseen by Great Canadian Gaming have been a regular location for him. His activities included cash delivery for high rollers willing to pay more once they have spent their initial stack of cash. Reports have shown that he has been most active over the span of three years between 2012 and 2015.
Lawsuit Filed against Mr. Jin
Over the said period of time, Mr. Jin was able to complete some 140 casino transactions involving substantial amounts of cash. Reports have shown that it reaches CA$23,501,46 but the actual sum might surpass this amount. In relation to these transactions, he was mentioned several times in the notorious E-Pirate probe that came to a halt towards the end of 2018. It should be taken into account that his operation have reportedly continued regardless of the regulations.
He was banned from casino venues still had the chance to supposedly wash some CA$4.2 million at River Rock Casino in Richmond over 2014 and 2015. As it was alleged by documents that surfaced about a year ago, Mr. Jin was allowed to pour in the millions of Canadian dollars in cash at the casino venue despite the fact that he was prohibited from entering the casino venues and conducting his business.
British Columbia Lottery Corporation considered him an extreme risk type of individual, which had prompted his ban in 2012. The most recent lawsuit alleges that crime proceeds are what aided Mr. Jin to purchase the bank draft, therefore mandating its seizure. In the past, his name has been linked to the management of illegal gambling dens, money laundering, extortion, as well as not reporting taxable income.