Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation reminds that there are millions of Canadian dollars of unclaimed jackpots that would reach their expiry date very soon depriving their rightful winners of the chance to have a better life. There are 27 cash prizes equating to CA$4,672,629.90 that have yet to be bagged by Ontario lottery fans. The largest unclaimed jackpot as of now amounts to CA$1 million linked to a single Lotto MAX ticket sold in Toronto.

There are many obstacles that could get in the way of a lottery jackpot claiming, as we often make plans for everything but then life gets in the way of things. A Toronto resident that could become a millionaire in an instant has until December 21 do bag their jackpot and put an end to the waiting game. The lottery corporation advises all players to check their pockets, handbags, drawers, and around the house for misplaced lottery tickets.
Lottery Jackpots Galore
Both instant lottery games and those with several weekly draws could see players fail to claim their windfall in a timely manner. However, it is the big prizes that really stand out and attract attention. Another big cash prize that has yet to be claimed is a CA$760,967.60 Lottario jackpot that could be bagged by a ticket sold in Eastern Ontario.
Whoever is in possession of this lucky piece of paper has until April 20, 2020 to bag the cash. Another larger prize that should be claimed even sooner is a Lotto MAX CA$500,000 one. This cash prize would have to be bagged before October 26 by a single ticket that had been sold in Mississauga prior to the winning draw.
That very draw was especially generous, as it resulted in another payout for an Ontario player. A Lotto MAX ticket is eligible for a cash payout of CA$333,333.40. The lucky purchase was made in Western Toronto and just like every cash payout offered by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, this one comes with as many as 52 weeks claim period.
Lottario Unclaimed Jackpots Fuel Exclusively Ontario
Exactly a months ago, on July 15 one of the unclaimed prizes amounting to CA$500,000 expired and its winner would never be able to receive it. It was half of a Lotto MAX Maxmillions payout, the other half of which was bagged in a timely manner. At the end of the day, the unclaimed prizes do not go to waste, as they return to Ontario’s government.
This is a mandatory condition for Lottario and other regional games listed in the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act. When it comes to widely popular games such as Lotto MAX and Lotto 6/49, unclaimed prizes fuel bonus games and additional perks part of every weekly draw. When it comes to Ontario, there have not been many major jackpots to remain forgotten for longer than a year.
The largest unclaimed jackpot amounted to CA$5 million and was supposed to be bagged by a single Lotto 6/49 ticket. Whoever was the purchaser of that ticket bought it in northeastern Ontario about 15 years ago but eventually changed their mind about becoming a millionaire.