Lotteries have always attracted individuals willing to try their luck and potentially win big while at the same time boost the community and many organizations across it. Saskatchewan Lotteries makes sure it keeps up with this beneficial practice and it recently a ...
North Bay’s casino venue and its potential location were able to stir the pot over the last few weeks, as it has the potential to threaten the natural habitat of the Blanding’s turtle. One of the proposed locations on Pinewood Park Drive could negatively impact the existing population of turtles, but ...
Reverent Amer Saka who gambled away hundreds of thousands of Canadian dollars meant to bring back refugees to Canada recently pleaded guilty to one count of fraud over CA$5,000. Allegedly as a result of his gambling addiction he managed to burn through more than CA$438,000 over the span of two years. Upon further estimation, ...
Casino de Montreal was the second target of the group of criminals who allegedly conducted a financial fraud at Casino du Lac-Leamy in August 2018 which remained secret until early ...
North Bay’s potential casino venue quickly became an even widely discussed topic ever since the beginning of this week saw a group called Save the Turtle, Stop the Casino raise awareness on a significant danger. Proposed gaming venue construction on Pinewood Park Drive ...
Chatham is projected to become one of the gaming hotspots in the foreseeable future, as construction at the corner of Richmond Street and Keil Drive continues with full speed. This is where the future Cascades Casino Chatham is going to rise, offering players its wide array of slot devices and table games. At this point work on ...
Problem gambling is an issue which needs the serious attention of specialists and counseling which has the potential to tremendously help people in need of support. For quarter century Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare has been striving to provide individuals with the support system th ...
The gaming field is a vast field which includes many smaller sectors which work together in synchronicity in order to guarantee players have the best entertainment experience. Just like many others, this entertainment offering triggering satisfaction has addictive potential which could end up doing more harm to players rather than good. The ...
Casino expansion and improvement of existing offerings is an ongoing and never-ending process which aims to bring more to players and make their lives more diverse thanks to various premium additions. This basic principle guaranteeing constant attraction to gaming locations was put to the test recently at Kahnawake, where the re ...
The end of one year brings the beginning of a new one and this is usually the perfect time for overviewing the past twelve months with the good and the bad. This is also the time when gaming revenue is being looked in perspective, such as the Alberta one which managed to reach new heights thanks to the largely popular video lottery termi ...