Loto-Quebec is among the Crown corporations eager to showcase its performance at the end of every quarter and the last days of August were not an exception. The end of Q1 2019-2020 witnessed gaming revenue reaching CA$656.1 million, in addition to a net income of some CA$337.4 million. The Quebec lottery giant managed to pay out some CA$65 million in jackpots over the three months of operation, a record-breaking figure.

The end of every quarter comes with the opportunity for evaluation and weighing the good and the not that good things regarding a company’s performance. This is also a time when new goals are being set and the entire process goes through a recalibration for optimal results down the road. It offers an accurate snapshot of the gaming performance across Quebec and people’s preferences.
Lottery Jackpots Payouts Reach New Heights
This first quarter came to an end on June 24 and saw lottery offerings amass some CA$215,974 in revenue. In comparison to Q1 2018-2019, this is an 11.6-percent slump, as back then lottery managed to generate some CA$244,391. Such a performance could be linked to the smaller number of Maxmillions additional prizes that managed to reach only 32. Q1 2018-2019 saw as many as 199 CA$1-million prizes, eventually resulting in bigger revenue.
It should also be taken into account that over the past three months, Lotto-Quebec saw CA$65 million in paid out jackpots, claimed by lottery enthusiasts hailing from across the province. Casino venues were also a preferred location for many players, but they did not see big change when compared to the same period last year. Q1 2019-2020 saw casino revenue of CA$213,018, slightly less than the CA$213,511 amassed last year.
When it comes to the performance for the same number of days, casino locations witnessed a 1-percent surge that comes to prove that players still find brick-and-mortar casinos a pleasant offering that could give them a lot. Other gaming venues such as bars offering gaming saw revenue reaching CA$232,623, once again less than last year’s performance that reached CA$234,019.
Online Gaming Is Popular Too
Meanwhile, gaming halls witnessed a 4.1-percent surge in gaming revenue over the three months in question. Bingo halls became much more popular, marking a 16.5-percent surge and showcasing the biggest gaming halls surge over this quarter. Local players were very much drawn to electronic bingo or as it is commonly referred to e-bingo.
Sector modernization has been in progress over the past couple of years, targeting a younger audience interested in bingo action. Quebec players have also demonstrated their preferences towards Kinzo locations, as over the said three months, they saw a revenue surge of 13.4 percent. Another thing that should be noted is that once again online gaming offering by Loto-Quebec saw a jaw-dropping surge of 23.8 percent.
Espacejeux.com is a preferred gaming offering for many Quebec residents which resulted in a surge amounting to CA$5.6 million. It could be recalled that earlier this year, Loto-Quebec revealed its performance over the entire fiscal 2018-2019 with a 23.2-percent jump over the past twelve months of operation. This meant that Quebec players poured some CA$105.4 million into online gaming.