Saanich council is now more willing to discuss the project of bringing an entertainment complex to the district which is said to include casino and hotel offerings among many other activities and services. The council has non-formally decided to back the plans in principle on April 26th special meeting and the subject will be further discussed in the near future.

The British Columbia Lottery Corporation has been looking into the option of introducing the casino and the entertainment center project in the Capital Regional District for a few years now. Initially, the Crown has selected the Victoria region for the site, but the project was later rejected, thus relocating to the Saanich area.
Pros and Cons
If the project is later approved by the City council, the Crown corporation will be officially contacted about the go-ahead. Back in March 2020, the Crown officially approached the District of Saanich about exploring the possibility of launching such a complex in the region. However, the plans of the gaming regulator were put on hold by the unprecedented situation and the caused financial struggles.
Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes said that the council may discuss the value and the benefits that such a project might bring to the local communities. He further explained that the plan is not about just introducing a casino but rather a decision to weigh in the pros and cons that might have for the region. However, the size and location of the project are still unknown to the public.
Additionally, Mayor Haynes stated that provided Elements Casino View Royal is in such close proximity, the location of the proposed site would be somewhere east of Blanshard Street. He also explained how the city needs to provide further revenue diversification since 78% of the city’s tax comes from its residents. That is why the management is looking into ways of relieving tax pressure on locals.
Furthermore, the Mayor believes that the casino would not cause issues like gambling addiction or money laundering in the small community that is the Saanich region. He has given neighboring Elements Casino as an example since in his words it has been running problem-free for many years, while positively contributing to the local economy.
Potential Benefits
Previous push for the casino project in the area from Mayor Haynes, was back in March this year, as, he shed light on what positives the project will bring to the local economy. According to him, local municipalities will acquire 10% of the casino’s revenue, which estimates to around CA$2.5 to CA$3 million on an annual basis. This finally taking tax pressure on taxpayers.
Mayor of View Royal David Screech, however, has not been a fan of the project. Mr. Screech believes that the launch of another gambling property in near proximity to Elements Casino Victoria might have a negative effect on the casino. He further added that cannibalization of the field is the thing the province needs right now.
Source: Pescod, Nicholas “Saanich council set to discuss possible casino and entertainment complex”, Chek News, April 26, 2021