Single-event sports wagering is still considered illegal across Canada despite the efforts of many officials to make it happen. MP Brian Masse (NDP — Windsor West), recently made it clear that his private member’s bill aiming to make this wagering offering possible for Canadians have been stalled for some time now and this will have to change.

For quite a while, single-event sports betting in Canada has been among the goals of many MPs, seeking a way in which they could make the local gaming industry more competitive and to keep local players from making their way south where they can place legal single-event sports wagers. Now that the government will be prorogued until the end of September, a further delay of single-event sports betting will take place.
MP Brian Masse
It could be recalled that last week Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prorogued Parliament and this suspension is about to last all the way to September 23. This means that the current session of the Parliament comes to an end earlier than projected. The new session is expected to commence with the new throne speech at the end of September.
The ultimate goal of this move would be for the government to reset and come up with a new throne speech. But this also brings efforts towards expanding gaming regulations to a complete stop. MP Masse expressed his concern with the way things go and the further delay of his plans of introducing something new for the people of Canada. Efforts in this direction date back to 2011 when former Windsor-Tecumseh MP, Joe Comarti supported a bill that aimed to make single-event sports wagering reality for Canadians.
This results in almost ten years of push in this direction without significant results. Earlier efforts saw no results, similar to the situation in 2016 when MP Masse gave it a second push. This move was once again unsuccessful.
Sports Wagering Efforts
In 2015, he launched a campaign towards legalized sports wagering, but the bill could not make it past the Senate. MP Masse noted that in the past, Liberals have had the opportunity to support the proposed bill before it hit the wall. As he put it, Canada had a significant upper hand when it came to sports wagering, while the United States was still under the PASPA influence.
He also pointed out that Canadians still find a way to gamble on single sports events only it happens illegally and the betting revenue goes in the pockets of criminals. Canadians also make their way to New York and Detroit for this particular sports wagering offering. Caesars Windsor Hotel and Casino has always been one of the avid supporters of the gaming offering.
If it launches in a regulated manner, the casino location is going to end up with 150 positions ready to welcome people interested in working in the casino industry. MP Masse pointed out that he plans to renew his efforts towards tabling the bill once the prorogue is over and the new session has commenced.